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Danilo inspected forest fire in Constanza

Yesterday it rained in Valle Nuevo where the flames have consumed 5000 tareas

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Danilo inspected forest fire in Constanza
CONSTANZA. President Danilo Medina made a brief inspection yesterday afternoon of the size of the forest fire in Valle Nuevo, Constanza, as well as the work that is being carried out to control it and put it out.

The nation's chief received explanations from Geronimo Abreu, the manager of the Forest Fire Program of the Ministry of the Environment, who said that if the climatic condition allow for it, in three or four days the fire will be controlled.

Abreu said that after managing to control it, extinguishing all the flames might take one or two months.

The Chief of State made a brief landing by helicopter and during a time when a light rain was falling in the area. Later on he went to Monte Cristi where he was scheduled to inaugurate some schools.

A light rain began to fall over Valle Nuevo yesterday, where the fire has consumed some 5,000 tareas (a traditional Dominican measure of land equal to 629m2) of forest cover.

The Minister of the Environment, Bautista Rojas Gomez, oversaw the work of the fire fighters, which have been joined by workers from Public Works and members of the Armed Forces.

The coordinated work of several institutions, using around 700 men, heavy equipment and hand tools, allowed some advances yesterday in establishing the logistical conditions, so that they could go on to the control stage of the worst forest fire of this year, which affects part o the Valle Nuevo National Park.

The minister and representatives of the community denied that there had been criminal hands involved in starting the fire, saying that the fire had a natural cause such a lightning.

The clarification was made because Rojas Gomez accused some rural farmers of making the fire worse last Wednesday by cutting down trees for slash and burn farming.

In the meantime, operators of bulldozers and graders opened roads to help isolate the fire, hundreds of men cut branches, and carried out other jobs of getting rid of materials that could serve a fuel in the areas where the fire might go.

In the areas known as Villa Pajon, Las Piramides, and Villa Queliz, a significant advance in the work to control, the opposite of previous days, when the fires could be seen burning, due to the intensity of the flames.

The Minister of the Environment made note of the fact that it was too early to claim victory, "but in logistical terms there has been a lot of advances made towards the objective of controlling the fire."

Rojas Gomez said that it is still not the moment to add up the damages in view of the priority which is extinguishing the flames of the forest fire that started last week.

After Monday when the aircraft, more heavy equipment and personnel were brought in, they have managed to advance towards the control phase of the flames in the mountains of Valle Nuevo.