A serial rapist terrorizes women in Barsequillo, Haina

One person arrested, fear continues in the streets

SAN CRISTOBAL. The stories of the rapists of Barsequillo are told in the streets of this barrio of Haina as horror stories. They all indicate a man who, during the dawn hours, breaks into the houses of his victims, in the majority single women, beats them, robs them and rapes them. "A woman over that way was raped and was robbed," indicated a local resident.

Another person mentions that a neighbor who also was sexually abused and beaten. So far, there are 8 victims whose ages vary between 18 and 54, who have presented formal complaints to the Police and the District Attorney of San Cristobal.

This situation has the women in the sector terrified, and has forced men to carry out watches and patrols during the nights in order to avoid more victims falling prey to this person. One man whose niece was raped as well as the wife of a stepson, tells how the abuser, besides physically beating them shouts cuss words. "He told my niece that he went to her because she was very stuck up and conceited, and when he was leaving he shouted ‘bitch' from outside the house," narrated the man. In the cases of his two relatives, the aggressor tried to come back, a few days later, to the houses of his victims, but the presence of relatives avoided his gaining entry.

The accusations fall on young Alexander Laquer de la Rosa (Gipi), 25, who the judge for Permanent Attention for San Cristobal, José Perez Medina, imposed yesterday a one year of preventive custody to be carried out in the Najayo jail, as a coercive measure. The man was pointed out by the victims, whose testimonies were documented in the accusation that was presented by the Sexual Violence Unit of the District Attorney of San Cristobal to the judge.

The first in filing a complaint against them was a young girl, 18, against whom, at around 4:30 in the morning one day in October, he broke the wood siding of the house in order to get inside and enter her room. The aggressor covered her face, then he placed a knife at her neck, abused her, and then left, taking a cell phone, a pair sneakers and a backpack. Another of the victims was attacked last November, around 5:00 p.m. when she was in a cemetery cleaning up the gravesite of her mother when two persons in a gray SUV pointed a firearm at her, raped her and took her cell phone.

Another day, also in November, at 4:00 in the morning, they entered the house of another woman, 38, they pointed a gun at her young son and she was sexually violated.

On 25 November, the same day that is internationally dedicated to nonviolence against women, the Barsequillo rapist penetrated at around 3:00 in the morning the house of another of his victims, a woman, 54 years old. Besides the rape, he took a plasma screen television, a mini component and jewelry.

The other cases were similar, according to the statements given to the Police. The womam who was the last of all of them, and who was the first in identifying the alleged attacker, said that besides the physical aggression they took RD$1000. The case file indicates that, on leaving the scene, the rapist was pursued by a neighbor who managed to wound him with a knife. Days later he was arrested in the Juan Pablo Pina Hospital of San Cristobal where he happened to come face to face with his victim who identified him. The incident occurred last week.

"We already had a word picture of the aggressor, and when this person was arrested, he coincided totally," said Rosa Lidia del Pozo, the coordinating prosecutor of the Intra-family, Sexual Abuse and Gender Violence Unit, of San Cristobal.

The rendering, the testimonies, the medical certificates of the victims, and the identification made during the lineup, constitute their elements of proof in order to justify their request for preventive custody. And she said that in this time she would prepare a case file that will permit a judge to hand down a 30 year prison sentence to the accused.

Nevertheless, the public defender lawyer who assisted Laquer de la Rosa at the hearing, Shenia Rosado, feels that the measure was excessive, and questions the identification made by the women, given that many of them said that their faces were covered.

Fright and indignation

The news that the alleged violator of Barsequillo is under arrest did not calm the women of the sector, who still keep their doors closed and locked all day long, nervous and with a fear of an attack, according to what they say. Many doubt that one single person is the aggressor of so many women. Among the men, the indignation is seen in words such as those from Carlos Mojica. "Be thankful that they arrested him, because we were waiting for him in order to burn him alive." Others tell how they did not sleep as they hid on the rooftops and at the corners waiting for him with not very good thoughts in mind.