Abel Martinez asked the Senate to approve Law on AFP yearly commissions

SD. They head of the Chamber of Deputies, Abel Martinez, argued for the Senate of the Republic to approve the legislative proposal which would modify article 86 of Law 87 - 01 in order to regulate the amount of the yearly complementary commissions which the Pension Fund Administrators (AFPs) receive.

Responding to questions during a simulated session, before dozens of community leaders in Santiago, the province which he represents, the legislator recalled that more than a year ago the Lower Chamber established their position regarding the issue, approving this legislative initiative.

He questioned that "these companies that manage billions and billions (of pesos) each year without this money, without these earnings, giving anything to the working class, the poor class, which is what they need."

He showed a video to those present with the position which he established when the Chamber of Deputies approved the aforementioned legislative project.