Abel Martinez orders an investigation of the approval process of the Penal Process Code

SD. The president of the Chamber of Deputies, Abel Martinez, instructed the permanent commission of Ethics and Discipline to be urgently convened in order for them to investigate everything concerning the study and approval of the legislative proposal that modified several articles of the Penal Process Code, which was submitted by Deputy Victor Suarez.

Through formal letters sent to deputies Lupe Nuñez and Henry Meran, the chairmen of the commissions, Martinez said that the investigation should cover everything from the moment the proposal was submitted, the work of the commission and up to its approval in the first and second reading.

He explained that he requested this investigation in order to clear up all of the process used in this legislative initiative. "We call on you to carry out an exhaustive investigation, complete and without scrimping on any effort to clarify the entire process," he said. He called on them, if the conclusions of their investigations produce some sort of error, by members or officials of the Chamber, to take all measures contemplated in article 169 of the internal regulations of the Chamber of Deputies. He hopes that both commissions work "in the same direction and in coordination."

With this initiative Martinez accepted the petition made by the PLD Deputy Minou Tavarez Mirabal, based on the need to investigate the "serious errors" committed in the legislative procedure which approved the changes to the Penal Process Code.

Acts of CPP expired

On the other hand, the Chamber of Deputies, by way of its Press Department, yesterday gave the media copies of the act that contains the transcription of sessions 4,5,and6 of last 27 August and the CDs containing the proceedings of that day, in which it is shown that the modifications made by to the Penal Chamber Code (CPP), which became law last 26 March, had been introduced before expiring in the last ordinary legislative session.

Nevertheless, in the session which was chaired by the vice-president of the Chamber of Deputies, Lucia Medina, who served as temporary president, it is noted that she submitted to the Plenary the freeing up of all of the procedures, of reading and of sending the proposal mentioned to the different commissions because "it is all complete, it comes all together, because it has been dealt with twice, it has been approved."

Minutes later, in the same session, the chairman of the Justice Commission, Demostenes Martinez, mentioned, in a long intervention, all of the changes made to the CPP, among which was the third paragraph of article 85.

"Everything relating to the reporting and filing of complaints in accordance with the Constitution is redefined," he explained.