Budget Commission will suggest modifications to Executive Power

They will ask the Executive Power to write an addendum to the budget proposal

SANTO DOMINGO. The Joint Commission on the Budget will suggest to the Executive Power the reassignment of some items destined to different institutions and next year's budget. Before hand, they are forcing the transfer of some RD $200 million which the government itself admitted that they had given by mistake to the Superior Electoral Tribunal (TSD), when the money was for the Constitutional Tribunal. There were also some RD $114 million that the Chamber of Deputies asked to be withdrawn; these funds where the resources assigned for the Social Management Fund ("little barrel").

The commission intends to meet again with the representatives of the government in order to present their suggestions and that, based on this the Executive can issue an addendum to the legislative proposal for the Law of the General Budget of the State which was sent to Congress.

The information was offered by Deputy Ramon Cabrera, a member of the commission, who indicated that the group will close tomorrow the process of hearings from the sectors that have demanded an increase in their budgets. On Thursday they will meet to decide on the modifications, he said.

"Both Mariano German, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ), the Central Electoral Board (JCE) and the Chamber of Accounts (CC), provided convincing information of needing more resources and, now, we will see how we can do this work of "tailoring" in order to see where we can find resources to be assigned to them," he said after saying that among the legislators there is an agreement to assign more resources, although they recognize the limitations.

The Executive Branch submitted a budget of RD $360.9 billion. The Supreme Court of Justice wants a budget of RD $10 billion; the JCE wants about RD $5.0 billion and the Chamber of Accounts wants another RD $700 million.