Chamber of Deputies hears today observations to Penal Code

The deputies were convened urgently for a session at 11:00 a.m.

SD. The pressure that was carried out this week by the Catholic and evangelical churches for the National Congress not to accept the observations made by President Danilo Medina to the Penal Code, could be the trigger which caused the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Abel Martinez, to convene yesterday the legislators for today's session.

This is to say that, in this urgent meeting, set for 11 o'clock in the morning of this Thursday, the deputies will deal with this legislative project, and either reject or accept what was suggested by the Executive Power.

Upon being consulted in this regard, the spokesman for the bloc of deputies of the Dominican Liberation Party (PLD), Ruben Maldonado, commented that in this session they will deal with "important proposals," and that the Penal Code could be one of them.

"We will meet tomorrow (the PLD bloc) and we will take the decisions that have to be taken. What I can tell you is that Ruben Maldonado supports the decision of the President of the Republic," he said.

For his part, the chairman of the Permanent Commission of Justice, Demostenes Martinez, did not say if the issue forms part of the agenda.

The PRSC will reject it

"We are going to reject them (the observations). We feel that these observations were poorly made with regard to the fact that they did not comply with the Constitution in their writing, and in case that they want to discuss and come out in favor or and rejection, we feel that they have to be rejected," explained deputy Ramon Rogelio Genao.

In favor of women's rights

The hands of the doctors will remain "tied," and women will not enjoy full citizenship.

This is the panorama which, according to dozens of feminists and doctors, the country will face, if the legislators did not accept the observations which President Danilo Medina made to the Penal Code..

The waving of banners with slogans "For women's health," "For the rights of women," and "For women's lives," was one of the strategies that the demonstrators used to demand that the lives and dignity of women be preserved.

"We give birth, we decide" and "Women are going to kill the Penal Code", they shouted as the Coalition for the Right to Life and the Dominican Medical College (CMD), spread out in front of the National Congress headquarters, as a way in which the members of Congress can understand that the woman is the only person who can take decisions with respect to her body.

The president of the CMD, Pedro Sing, made it clear that "the problem" will be resolved when the Constitution permits the practice of abortion when the life of the woman is at risk, when the baby is the product of a rape or when the fetus is deformed. "As the code is now written, we have to ask permission from a judge in order to do a doctor's work."

At the same time, the President of the Center for Research for Female Action (CIPAF), Magaly Pineda, noted that, although she respects the faith of the people, "free will" should also be taken into account. "We are supporting the observations made by the President," she said.

The Cardinal: abortion promoters did not believe in life

Cardinal Nicolas de Jesus Lopez Rodriguez said that there are countries that do not believe in life, so that they promote the legalization of abortion.

"There are people who do not believe in life and these people are always going to be fighting."

The prelate said that there are countries that are like this and who consider themselves to be the owners of the world.

He accused them of promoting from their courts and representatives "that which we are not in agreement." "Whoever wants to go over a cliff can go, I am not in agreement with this plan, I await death tranquilly."

Lopez Rodriguez considered that in regard to human rights the Dominican Republic is well advanced.

"This cannot compare with what the tyrant Trujillo did some years ago, this was the time of "Ley, Batuta and Constitucion" (a regime of Law, Stick and Constitution) and was the embodiment of the human rights of everyone, since then we have advanced." He feels that this mechanism should advance even more.

Catholics and evangelicals

The Catholic and evangelical churches have come out against the legislators taking into consideration the observations which President Danilo Medina made to the Penal Code, because - they said - "they open the way for the practice of abortion."

Article 103 of the Constitution

"All law observed by the Executive Power to the National Congress has a deadline of two ordinary legislative sessions in order to decide the issue, and if not the observation will be considered accepted."