Cost the water, electricity, Internet and telephone is 75% of the minimum salary

It also represents 35.41% of the highest minimum salary

SANTO DOMINGO. The principal services that are offered to citizens both for their entertainment as well is to satisfy their necessities for food, washing or communication, in some of their lowest quotas could represent an amount of RD$2953 per month which at the same time implies 35.41% of the highest minimum salary in the country which is RD$11,292 and 75.19% of the lowest minimum salary of RD$6880.

After an exercise carried out by the Diario Libre, they were able to prove that at the present time in order for a small family to have water, electricity, telephone, cable television and Internet services, taking advantage of the current offers by some service providers, principally in the area of telecommunications, they would have to invest in the best of cases, nearly 3000 pesos. If the families were to decide to elect other types of service plans, their costs would go up much more.

This amount is broken down in the following manner: RD$1899.75 which is the average cost of the two telephone companies that offer the combination of cable television, telephone and Internet; RD$803.25 for 150 kW of energy and RD$254 for water service which is offered by the Santo Domingo Water and Sewer Corporation (CAASD) as well as the National Institute of Drinking Water (INAPA) which functions for the different towns.

Of these services, the combination of cable, telephone and Internet, represents the greatest cost, which is 20.22% of a minimum salary of RD$11,292, the electric energy is equal to 7.65% and water is at 2.26%.

The fact that the telephone companies have these combination offers of various services permits the people to benefit with more attractive prices, because if they had to contract them separately it would be much more costly.

At the present time a great number of persons cannot access these basic packages of services, because their income is not sufficient to have them.

But other persons can have even the premium services that are offered by these entities, due to the great social inequality which exists in the country.

Sociologist Candido Mercedes said that those services are indispensable in today's world and, for this reason, according to his understanding they should be within the reach of everybody in the country. "Nobody would think that you would not have these services, they are services of the modern world, with this one learns more," he noted.

He said that those services represent 35% of the highest minimum salary, because when you have to take this money from a minimum salary in a free zone, this percentage increases a lot more.

The sociologist indicated that with this highest minimum salary persons can only access 50% of the basic needs, so that according to his understanding, this is another reflection of an exclusive society.

The experts said that in order for more persons to be able to have access to these services, besides an improvement of salaries, they have to create public policies which permit elevating the quality of health, education and transportation so that the income of the people yields better results.

State services

The sociologist, Candido Mercedes, said that there is an almost complete absence of political institutions from the state that benefit the most vulnerable sectors. He said that the majority of the workers, in spite of their low salary, have to spend money on water, both for drinking as well as for washing, as well as for other services which according to his understanding, should be contributed and provided for by the state.