Council of the Judicial Power approves rules for the internal control of the Judicial Power

The decision was approved by the CPJ that is chaired by Mariano German Mejia.

SD. The Council for the Judicial Branch (CPJ) approved a new set of rules for the internal administrative control of the Judicial Branch, with the aim of regulating the internal structure and functioning, as well as establishing the attributions of its agencies, for the proper administrative, managerial, financial, budgetary and training leadership.

The decision is contained in th Resolution 03/2014, which says that they will also approve a separate set of rules for the proper exercise of the disciplinary attributions of the CPJ.

The resolution says that it is up to the CPJ to transfer judges from one jurisdiction to another, when such a transfer does not imply a promotion.

It also states that the CPJ exercises the disciplinary control over the judges, officials and employees of the Judicial Branch, with the exception of the magistrates of the Supreme Court.

The document further states that the CPJ can acquire or accept assets for the Judicial Branch that come from ales, donations, exchanges or other sources, as well as determine the specific destination of those resources and of other sources of income for the realization of the institutional objectives.

The judges can also decide on the specific use of the resources and other sources of income of the Judicial Branch.

The internal regulations also allows for the approval of programs and projects for administrative reform and modernization of the Judicial Branch.

Another attribute is the power to appoint, provisionally, the substitutes of the directors/managers for the General Directorate of Judicial Administration and Careers, the Controller General, the Inspector General, the General Technical Directorate, the National School of the Judiciary and any other agency of operational support, in case of absence, disability, resignation, death, separation, dismissal, pension, retirement or any other way of retirement. The permanent constitutional agency of financial, budgetary and disciplinary administration of the Judicial Branch established each on of the functions of each one of these entities.