Government distributes second stage of Guajimia project

SANTO DOMINGO.-The joy with which Enriqueta Encarnacion received the keys to her apartment in the guajimia II residential complex was so contagious that it even affected President Leonel Fernandez who, besides the tradition handshake, gave the woman a hug and a kiss.

Enriqueta and the other 215 heads of households will leave the shacks that they have occupied for years at the edge of the smelly Guajimia Creek in West Santo Domingo, to make way for the clean up project that the Santo Domingo Water and Sewer Corporation (CAASD) has been working on since 2006 along with the Canadian company Dessau-Soprin. The 65 year old woman said, "I feel like I was born today."

The second stage of the housing project, located on the extension of 27 de Febrero Avenue, is made up of 31 buildings of four floors each. There are 18 buildings with three bedroom apartments and 13 apartment buildings with two bedroom units. The area also includes sidewalks, gutters, parking areas, a kiddie park and basic services. The total investment was RD$168,901,234.

The buildings were constructed by Dessau, the company that is also charged with cleaning up the Guajimia Creek. The project is being carried out with an US$81 million loan that was extended by the government of Canada and benefits the residents of the creek banks, Buenos Aires and La Urena.

Jaime Rivas, the director of the CAASD, said that "the clean up of the Guajimia Creek is the solution to a twenty year old problem. It is ambitious, but above all it is human."