Law authorizing CDEEE to participate in electricity generation approved

SD. The Senate passed into law last night the proposal that authorizes the provisional participation of the Dominican state in the activity of electricity generation through the Dominican Corporation of State-owned Electricity Enterprises (CDEEE).

The legislation was approve after a single reading by the 17 senators present in the session after hearing the motivations from Senator Juan Orlando Mercedes, the chairman of the Permanent Energy Commission.

The legislative proposal, introduced into the Congress by the Executive Branch, was sent last 10 July from the Chamber of Deputies, where it was approved with some modifications after two readings.

The deputies modified article 4 of the proposal sent by the Executive, in order to exempt the electricity distribution companies, as long as they are the property of the Dominican state, from the compliance with the tender processes for contracting for electricity in the long term, under provisos of the General Electricity Law 125-01.

The new law authorizes the CDEEE to participate as promoter, owner or proprietor, either directly or indirectly, in the business activity of electricity generation, and includes the granting of a definitive concession for the construction and operation of electricity projects of generation in the Wholesale Electricity Market of the National Interconnected Electric System (SENI) according to the dispositions of the General Electricity Law 125-01.

National Police Law

In yesterday's session, the next to last chaired by Reinaldo Pared Perez, the Senate approved in the first reading, the proposal for the Organic Law of the National Police.

The legislative proposal establishes, among other aspects, the role of this institution to protect lives, the physical integrity and the security of the persons, guarantee the free exercise of rights and freedoms as well as limiting police escorts.

The proposal had been studied by a joint commission but expired in the last legislative session.


The Senate president, Reinaldo Pared Perez, gave words of farewell to his function as Senate leader, after Senator Prim Pujals praised his "great work" in leading the upper chamber. He said that he appreciated the support of the senators which he said he had received during his two consecutive periods as Senate president and he said that starting on 16 August "I will sit down there," indicating the seats of the senators in front of the leadership table. The last session of this legislature will be next 23 July.