Luis Abinader: "In 2015 we have to bring together all the opposition, not just the PRM"

SANTO DOMINGO. Luis Abinader is betting the ascension of his figure and his presidential project on the New Year. Interviewed by Diario Libre, he said that he is the only aspiring candidate who has been growing since 2012.

Q. What should your party change or improve in 2015 in order to win the 2016 elections?

A. The PRM has been the protagonist in the most important process of change which has come about in the Dominican political life in a long time. We've had the privilege of converting a time of crisis into a great opportunity to improve and advance.

Our party has the privilege of having been born large and a majority, hoisting the best values of the Democratic tradition of the Dominican people and of the thoughts of José Francisco Peña Gomez. The leadership of the PRM has the obligation to reaffirm these Democratic values and practice and its internal processes rules of coexistence which allow us to make a positive difference from the past.

In the PRM and the Convergence we should act with intelligence in order not to lend ourselves to the game which has brought so much success to the PLD, which is to incite the internal complex. I think nevertheless, that besides ensuring a monolithic internal unity, the PRM should work on a strategy to unite all the opposition, including the local leaders that still belong to the PRD.

In this sense I suggest that the political leadership of our party lower the tone of confrontation with the former comrades of the PRD, since they need us in order to win some congressional and municipal positions in certain places and we need them in order to seal the victory in the Congress, in the ayuntamientos and in the central Government.

Q. What perspectives do you have for 2015 and what challenges do you and your party expect?

A. The year 2015 is the year of great definitions in the political life of the country, since we will be leading up to the 2016 elections and the political parties will have to select their candidates for the presidency of the Republic and to the principle congressional and municipal positions.

Since the 2012 elections I have been the only aspiring presidential candidate who has maintained a sustained growth rate in the voter's preference, as revealed by the surveys and the numerous expressions of support inside and outside of my party and in diverse sectors of society.

A simple review of the political incidents of these last 2 years shows that no presidential pretender has generated the level of advancement and of positioning among voters like that which has occurred around our presidential project. I don't have any reason to think that this tendency might change in the next months before the PRM and the Convergence get ready to define their common candidate that they will present to the national electorate.

I believe that the great challenge which the PRM is facing is to go forward in the consolidation of its institutional process in order to present this presidential candidate as early as possible to the country together with a platform of government in order to articulate and bring together a great opposition alliance that will be capable of capitalizing on the growing social discontent of a government model which in spite of handling an amount of resources without precedent in the history of the country, has not managed to resolve any of the basic problems of the country.

Personally I am convinced, and so project diverse studies ordered by might political team, that if I am the candidate of the PRM and the Convergence I will be at the head of a powerful force for change which will defeat any candidate of the PLD continuation attempt.

Q. What personal goal do you have for 2015?

A. Necessarily, this has to do with the project in which I have worked without rest for the last 2 years. I am going to continue working without stopping in order to maintain and consolidate the levels of support that I have achieved as the principal presidential candidate for the opposition, according to the information published by accredited polling firms since the beginning of the year 2013.

Q. How do you feel that the coming year will be economically speaking?

A. If the administration of President Medina does not decide to produce indispensable changes in order to improve the quality of public expenditures, it seems to me to that it will be very difficult for the government to be able to deal with the challenges of 2015 and 2016 without bringing about a traumatic tax reform in order to maintain a certain macroeconomic equilibrium.

Personally I believe that the business sector, the workers and society in general should reject any intent to approve a tax reform without beforehand modifying the policies of public expenditure, which has stressed the luxurious salaries, the high ranking parasitical positions and the illegal payrolls, in prejudice of the social investment, the productive sectors and the principle of public services.