Miguel Vargas discards an alliance with the PLD and Leonel

MOCA. The Dominican Revolutionary Party (PRD) president and their presidential candidate, Miguel Vargas, discarded the possibility that this political organization might reach an agreement with former President Leonel Fernandez, or with any other leader of the Dominican Liberation Party (PLD), for the next elections.

"What we are proposing in the PRD is a great alliance of the opposition to displace the PLD from power and make the changes and the economic, social and political transformations that they have not been able to carry out, in spite of the fact that they are going to finish four administrations almost uninterruptedly," he said as he spoke about rumors of an alliance.

Vargas said that the PLD does not deserve to continue in power because of its inability "to convert our democracy into an institutional system with equality and inclusion, as a democracy of the XXI century should be," he expressed.

He said that the PRD membership remembers that Fernandez and other PLD leaders allied themselves to leaders who were no longer in the PRD, when in the convention of 2011 the PLD members intervened in the PRD convention, "in order to impose the candidate which they felt was most vulnerable in order for them to retain power, just as it occurred."

Vargas visited important members of the community of Moca, including Doctor Hector Cruz, lawyer Artagñan Perez Mendez and writer Bruno Rosario Candelier, the president of the Dominican Academy of Language.