Minister of Agriculture: "They offered me RD $50 million for export permits"

SANTO DOMINGO. The Minister of Agriculture, Angel Estevez, said that the problems that used to exist with the import permits which constituted a "mafia", according to statements by some farm producers, are now solved.

"This was going to be solved and it's now solved, everything that is going to be done is going to be transparent, totally transparent. I thank God that my children have enough to live on, and I learned one thing: that one is not rich because you have a lot of money, but rather because you have sufficient to live healthily because without a family and without health there is no money." This was the explanation by the official after assuring reporters that he would not allow himself to be bribed.

Estevez said that he is going to solve everything related to importing and that he would create a commission, a tripartite commission, to make everything transparent which has to do with this issue, and that the benefits that are acquired through these processes would return to the producers through technology and road repairs.

"Nobody has to go around distributing billions of pesos that don't belong to them, this is crazy, not to say a shame; it is something which in my hands is not going to happen," said the official.

"Let me tell you, I have not lacked for offers, just one offered me 50, not so that I would give him permits, just so that I would allow him to keep the ones he already had," Estevez explained, while at the same time he clarified that they were talking about RD $50 million as the sum of money that a person was offering not to lose the import permits that he held for some RD $300 million.

The Minister of Agriculture said that this sort of thing was not going to be allowed, because what these same people do is kill the men in the fields.

For several years, the import permits granted by the Ministry of Agriculture have been the object of hard criticism. There are many producers and organizations which have gone so far as to call them a mafia that has served for the continual enrichment of many of the importing companies of the country.

At the present time, Estevez promised to solve the problems that have been found with this issue and to make the processes transparent so that all the producers are benefited.

"Let me tell you I have not lacked for offers, just one offered me 50, not so that I would give him permits, but that I would allow him to keep the ones he had."