Minister of Public Health suggests CNSS take on commitment

She argues for the modification of the Social Security Law and for improved transparency

Altagracia Guzmán Marcelino
SANTO DOMINGO. The Minister of Public Health, Altagracia Guzman Marcellino, argued that the National Council of Social Security (CNSs) and all the sectors involved in the Social Security System should take on the necessary commitments in order to deal with the issue of co-payments, or fees representing the difference between the doctor's fees and what is covered by insurance, for health services and other crucial aspects.

She was interviewed by reporters regarding the issue, as she appeared before the Permanent Commission on Public Health of the Chamber of Deputies, the official pointed out that on this issue, that of the fees, the subventions, the increase of the ceiling of medication coverage and other issues oblige all the sectors so that "we should get to the bottom of this in order to begin to doing what has to be done."

When she was asked what has to be done, she answered: "among other things, all of this should be taken on by the National Council of Social Security with a profound commitment."

She stressed that the National Congress should focus on the modification of the key aspects of Law Number 87 - 01, which creates the Social Security System.

She recalled that the health issue is not just for the State, or the Ministry of Public Health, or the private clinics, or the Health Risk Administrators (ARS) or any other sector, but rather it is an issue for everyone. She insisted that this is part of the need that the Social Security System does "what has never been done."

Optimization of the resources of Public Health

Guzman Marcellino was questioned regarding the budget received by the Ministry of Public Health for 2015 and the problems that this ministry will have to face.

The minister is in favor of the economic resources being optimized, that there should exist a greater transparency in the handling of these resources, and that the management be improved. "Listen to me well, the resources that exist have to be optimized, number one. Number 2: that the resources that exist have to be handled with the greatest of transparencies," she said.

She put as an example that when something is purchased in a non-transparent matter it keeps this money from being used on other things which are necessary.


"But no matter how much money you have, don't you see millionaires one day that the next day are poor? They throw away the money and they were millionaires. They did not know how to handle it," she analyzed. She was asked if this happened in Public Health, and she responded that no, and she argued that she only ghave the example as to what could occur to a person. Her answer caused laughter among those present.