Motorcycles represent 53% of the vehicular fleet of the Dominican Republic

SANTO DOMINGO.- As of 31 December 2014, the vehicular fleet in the country numbered 3,398,662 units, registering 182,889 new vehicles with respect to 2013, reported the Directorate General of Internal Taxes (DGII).

Of the total number of vehicles, 53.1% are motorcycles and 21.8% are automobiles, reveals that Bulletin: The Vehicular Fleet 2014.

The report reveals that of the different types of vehicles, motorcycles show a greater total growth with 124,340 units, for an increase of 7.4%; followed by automobiles which registered an increase of 24,496, a growth of 3.4%. Then come the SUVs with an increase of 20,618 new units, an increase of 6.6%.

With relation to the number of new vehicles, the DGII registered 182,889, while in 2013 they only registered 163,087. The increase in the number of vehicles registered is due principally to the increase in motorcycles, being 12,185 more than that during the same time the year before.

Since last year, the DGII is executing the Special Program of Regulation of the Registration and Emission of Motorcycle License Plates in order to register motorcycles without documents and provide them with new plates.

The bulletin also shows the growth by year of manufacture. They indicated 0.4% were manufactured in 2015 and 1.8% in 2014. On the other hand 41.8% corresponded to the period 2001 - 2013; and the remaining 56% were from 2000 or older.