Normalized children can opt for naturalization in two years

SANTO DOMINGO. The children born of foreign parents who are in the country "irregularly", and that have been normalized with their registration in the Book of Foreigners, could request Dominican nationality through naturalization after two years.

This is what is established by article 20 of the Regulations for the Application of Law 169-14 of the Special Regime of Naturalizations and Normalization of Foreigners, enacted by President Danilo Medina by means of Decree 250-14.

According to the regulations, whose deadline for approval was up yesterday, the request for naturalization is to be done under the process established under Law 1683.

The new rules also order in its first articles that the persons subject to the scope of its application should present their request for naturalization within 90 days of becoming eligible.

The Ministry of Interior and Police will be the agency responsible for the implementation of th regulations, through the Deputy Minister who will coordinate the Executive Directorate of the National Plan for the Regulation of Foreigners.

Among the means of proof that should be presented are an proof of live birth, issued in a hospital or clinic; a notarized act of seven Dominican witnesses that indicate the date and place of birth, as well as the name of the boy or girl and his or her parents, and a sworn statement from Dominican relatives of the first or second degree that have documentation.