"Overpopulation" caused the deaths in Robert Reid

The president of the CMD said that the health system of the Dominican Republic is in "intensive care

SANTO DOMINGO. Carelessness by the medical personnel of the Robert Reid Children's Hospital was not the cause of the death of the 11 children last weekend at that health center.

This affirmation was made yesterday by the president of the Dominican Medical College (CMD), Doctor Pedro Sing, who said that the deaths are the result of the "overwhelming" number of patients that are referred to the hospital from private clinics and hospitals around the country.

During a meeting with the Permanent Commission on Health of the Chamber of Deputies, he emphasized that from January until now, the range of deaths of children at the Robert Reid Hospital on Saturdays and Sundays varies between seven and 12.

"The problem is that for more than 20 years they have not inserted the correct budget for all of the programs in the health system. The Robert Reid Cabral would not be so overflowing with patients if we could have primary attention that worked; then they don't go to the second level," he explained.

After calling the deaths of the children "tragic and sad", the union leader called on the President of the Republic, Danilo Medina, to pay attention to the health sector, because the system - he said - is in "intensive care and I hope that it does not lack for oxygen."