Public Health has more than 100 projects to improve its buildings

SANTO DOMINGO. More than 100 construction projects for the infrastructure of Public Health are underway or in the planning stages for tenders. For those who will take into account the human resources which the Ministry of Public Health currently has, "We are not going to make appointments, we are going to reclassify on the basis of profiles, if there is an excess there, we are going to round out here," said the Minister, Altagracia Guzman Marcellino.

The objective of the administration of this official is to improve the quality and service of public health. In just 115 projects they have programmed an investment of RD $5.6 billion.

Last week the medical, emergency, outpatient and administrative services were closed at the Luis Eduardo Aybar Hospital, in order to demolish it and build new installations, valued at nearly RD $7 billion.

"There are hospitals that are improving, such as that in El Seibo, the hospital of Rio San Juan, a treatment plant in the Vinicio Calventi, a primary care center in San Juan de la Maguana, the Juan XXIII Hospital in Santiago, and Gonzalo in La Romana," cited the official during her participation in the Dialogo Libre sponsored by this newspaper which is coordinated by its director, Adriana Miguel Tejada.

Guzman Marcellino took over, for the second time, the reins of the Ministry of Public Health last 13 October in substitution of Freddy Hidalgo, who was fired in the midst of a crisis at the Robert Reid Cabral Children's Hospital, which resulted in the death of 11 children over one weekend.

The doctor made it clear that when she arrived at the Ministry, she found 56 hospitals whose construction projects were up for either tenders or drawings to award the contracts. "For example Samana, Sanchez Ramirez, and in La Vega, Santiago, the Padre Billini Psychiatric Hospital which now has an outpatient ward; the hospital in Castillo, Barsequillo, Antonio Musa, in San Pedro and the Jaime Mota, in Barahona," she said.

Internships and training

Regarding the project which seeks to eliminate the legally required internships, she assured the editors that there is a consensus and the Medical College is in agreement. "Just as the orthodontists graduate and don't have to do an internship and they receive their exequaturs (an official recognition to practice a profession issued by the state), the same thing with the doctors, they graduate, and they come with their university degrees duly endorsed by the MESCyT," she said in order to explain how the process will be from now on.

"What happens today with the internship? They are trained today and in six months you're losing this human resource and this money that you have invested."

She made it clear that she does not intend to eliminate the jobs that exist for interns, but rather have them enter the system and be trained at the first level. "And there begins the quality, and you train them in the four big areas, I would dare to say: pediatrics, gynecology and obstetrics, internal medicine and surgery."

She reported that she has a program to train doctors who go to this first level in agreement with a University that she did not identify.

National Health Service Model

Guzman Marcellino stressed the approval in the Senate of the National Health Service, which now goes to the Chamber of Deputies.

"This law creates a National Health Service; it creates a Council which directs this service. It is a decentralized organization with its own assets, but the law itself provides for a period of transition, which is to say if X fiscal year is approved, the transition process is from one year to another fiscal year, which means that now for 2016 we will have to discuss together the budget which these services will need," she said.

The minister feels that starting within a year, the Ministry will take charge of regulating hospitals, showing them how they should do things. "Watching them, monitoring them, and asking them and punishing them, which is to say even what they should achieve academically."

Public Health reduced itself to 6 deputy ministers

"The President Danilo Medina deserves the virtue and the glory that only the Ministry (of Public Health) has 6 deputy ministers, and before there were thirty-some deputy ministers," says the head of the Ministry, Altagracia Guzman Marcellino

She explained that they transferred officials to other departments based on their potential, such as the case of Rafael Schiffino, who was the deputy minister of Collective Health, and is now the representative of the Ministry on issues of Social Security with the rank of a deputy minister.

With the reorganization of the positions, Guzman Marcellino says that "the country has advanced."

They plan on building a hospital in Pedernales

SD. The Minister of Public Health reported that she received from the Chancellery the terms of reference for three health centers in an equal number of gateways along the frontier, but on the Haitian side.

Altagracia Guzman Marcellino also favors the construction of a new third level hospital in Pedernales, and that the government should take into account the tourist potential of the province, in order to cover the most important medical specialties.

She assured the Diario Libre editors that the present establishment will not support more deterioration and that Pedernales, facing the opening of the Bahia de las Aguilas, has to have a hospital of the first order, since you have to think about the tourist development in that area. Therefore, they have to be able to count on a good health service.

With regard to the three health centers to be built in the Western part of the island, the Minister of Health said that the European Union is fully committed to the process, and that the government of Cuba is supporting it with doctors, which shows that it is an issue that the Bilateral Commission of the Dominican Republic and Haiti have on the discussion table.

She's thinks that the country is going to have to support these human resources and on other levels, which she did not specify.

Guzman Marcellino has information that the country now has 3000 Haitian medical students, who could well exercise their profession in these 3 hospitals to be built in the principle frontier areas of the island.