Public Health suspends exequatur of Dr. Edgar Contreras

The plastic surgeon is accused of malpractice, and his case is in a commission

SANTO DOMINGO. The Minister of Public Health temporarily suspended the exequatur of the plastic surgeon Edgar Contreras until a conclusion is reached by a commission that is investigating whether the specialist was negligent during the surgical process which ended the life of a 23-year-old patient.

Altagracia Guzman Marcellino said that his case is in the hands of a technical commission composed of personnel from the Ministry, the Dominican Medical College and the Dominican Society of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery.

Likewise, the Minister reported that they sent a letter to 45 doctors who carry out plastic surgery, asking them to send in their accreditation documents to the ministry, as a way of controlling the surgical procedures and so far only 50% have deposited the required materials.

Regarding the clinic where Contreras operated, and which the District Attorney of the National District has closed down while the case is being investigated, Guzman Marcellino said that it has the approval of the Ministry, but that Contreras cannot operate until the commission issues its verdict.

Last 23 April, the young woman Sharilene Cedeño, 23, died as she was undergoing a liposuction procedure by Contreras and the family of the young woman accuses him of the death.