Rejection for intention to question Dominguez Brito

Pared Perez, Abel Martinez and Yeni Berenice said they were against it

SD. The supposed intentions that a group of legislators from the Dominican Liberation Party (PLD) might have to question the Attorney General of the Republic, regarding his political campaigning, brought forth the rejection among some political figures of that organization, such as the District Attorney, Yeni Berenice Reynoso.

The Secretary-General of the party, the Senator for the National District and presidential hopeful, Reinaldo Pared Perez, said he did not know about this intention, but he also said that he didn't have anything to do with this. "I think that such a decision should have the approval of the party...if this decision exists don't count on me, because the 39 years I have been in the party have taught me that such decisions are taken collectively, not individually," he said.

Regarding the summons to appear before legislators, the Dominican ambassador in Spain, Cesar Medina, said on Sunday that there were 100 legislators behind this move because of alleged transgressions by the Attorney General.

The President of the Chamber of Deputies, Abel Martinez, used his Twitter account to warn that these intentions will not find acceptance in the Lower Chamber. "The initiative of a summons against the @DominguezBrito will not find acceptance in the Chamber of Deputy," Martinez said.

Another who expressed her disgust on the social networks was the District Attorney. "The threats of an impeachment for the Attorney General @DominguezBrito for investigating a case of corruption are as disgusting as the case in question," she commented. In another tweet she said: "On the issue of corruption there are people who carry out shameless blackmail. If you are so innocent place yourself at the disposition of the courts."

In the case of Pared Perez, his statements came yesterday during a press conference that he held in the Blue House Hotel as part of his political activities which later took him on a tour of the municipality of Guerra.

Pared Perez, the presidential hopeful, also said that the PLD is not have the necessary power to reform the Constitution and impose presidential reelection.

Regarding the "little barrel"

Reinaldo Pared Perez reiterated his defense of the use that the Senate is give the funds for social administration which they receive, arguing that these are aimed at supporting senatorial offices in the different provinces and that these resources are used under the supervision. He questioned regarding the reasons which led Abel Martinez to take a personal decision which had to be approved by the full body of the Chamber of Deputies.