Sex workers will be included in the SFS

The measure will impact on the health and welfare of the women

SANTO DOMINGO. The director of the National Council for HIV and AIDS (Conavihsida) began a negotiation with the National Health Insurance (Senasa) for the inclusion of about 6000 sex workers Into the Subsidized Regime of the Family Health Insurance (SFS), with the aim of preventing sexually transmitted diseases, such as HIV, to that segment of the population.

This was reported by Victor Terrero, who said that technicians from the two entities are working on the design of the strategy to be employed, in order to see the manner in which they will carry out the inclusion, which will take on a formal character with the signing of an agreement between him and Chanel Rosa Chupany, the executive director of Senasa.

The affiliation would begin with the sex workers registered in the United Women's Movement (Modemu) which is led by Jacqueline Montero, a defender of the rights of the sector before the Conahivsida, with full voting priviledges. Of the 6000 workers of Modemu, 500 work on guidance among their peers.

In health terms, Terrero said that it would mean greater health service coverage for the sex workers, attentions of specialized studies, coverage of high cost diseases and access to medications.

According to information from Conahivsida, in the country there are 91,725 sex workers, of which 86% use condoms.

He said that this would be an important achievement for the health system, as well as for the government with regard to Social Security.

"It has been an effort in which all of the sectors of the country are included in Social Security, which in fact was a campaign commitment of President Danilo Medina," he recalled.

He pointed out that it is a commitment of inclusion of all the sectors and along this line, he is taking President Medina at his word.

The Conahivsida director spoke of the issue, as he took part in the workshop "HIV and Policies of social protection for key problems," offered to reporters, community leaders and representatives of different government institutions.

The intention of the event was to motivate reflection regarding the stigma and discrimination against the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersexual population (LGBTI).

The goal of affiliation

Senasa has as a goal for this year the affiliation of 400,000 persons to the Subsidized Regime.

Recently they started with the process of affiliation of 50,000 domestic workers and their direct dependents.

If they achieve the affiliation of the sex workers, they would be guaranteeing the right and the universality of the Dominican System of Social Security.