The COE reports 24 fatalities in the first stage of Holy Week holiday

The fatalities averaged five persons per day

SANTO DOMINGO. The Center for Emergency Operations (COE) reported 24 fatalities on the third day of the operation called "Triduum, Holy Week 2015 for prudence and values."

According to bulletin Num. 3, released by General Juan Manuel Mendez, the director of the agency, 20 of the deaths were traffic accidents, which involved eight motorcycles, six light vehicles and an equal number of pedestrians victims struck by vehicles, as well as four deaths by drowning.

The number of deaths is less than those that occurred during Holy Week 2014, during which there were 29 fatalities during the same period. The authorities attributed this reduction to a better behavior by the citizens.

Of 593 traffic accidents that were reported, 682 persons were affected and of these 311 involved motorcycles, 237 involved light vehicles and 28 involved heavy vehicles, while 17 accidents were pedestrians struck by vehicles.

The COE director said that of the accidents registered, 274 occurred on highways and toll roads and 319 inside city limits.

There were 183 persons attended to for alcoholic intoxication, among them 25 minors of ages between seven and 15.

Food indigestion caused 28 persons to be attended.

The largest number of fatalities was reported in Puerto Plata, with five cases and Greater Santo Domingo appears in second place with four.

"It must be stressed that according to the statistics by Ground Traffic and the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (AMET,) on normal working days between five and eight persons die in accidents and on the weekends between 11 and 16 without the massive movement of people on the roads and highways of the country. So far this year, more than 3.6 million persons have taken to the expressways, toll roads and highways of the country, so that the average fatality during this operation was five persons per day," said Mendes.

The COE director expressed his gratitude to all of the institutions involved in the operation and he assured reporters that without their collaboration the efforts would not have had the results, which according to him, were positive, and can be seen today.

Nevertheless, the reduction of fatalities continues to be the great challenge for the authorities which make up the Center of Emergency Operations.

The fourth and last bulletin of the operation will be released this morning at 11 o'clock.


There were some 41,050 persons taking part in this year's operation, manning 2412 aid stations, 125 ambulances, 25 bicycle - ambulances and three helicopters.

There were also 20 tow truck stations, eight of them with mobile repair shops, six hospitals and 10 mobile medical tents, as well as 30 buses.

All of this effort was stations along the principle highways which communicate Greater Santo Domingo with the rest of the country and in the areas most visited by the vacationers.