The PRD rejects creation of new taxes

Vargas took a trip throughout different sectors of San Jose de Ocoa where he met with followers

SAN JOSE DE OCOA. The president of the Dominican Revolutionary Party (PRD), Miguel Vargas, proclaimed yesterday that this party rejects the establishment of new taxes as the way out of the difficult economic situation that the PLD administrations have created for the country.

He said that in countries with highly developed economies, agencies such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) project that the level of indebtedness can reach as much as 60% of the gross domestic product (GDP), "but for countries with emerging economies, as ours can be considered, I understand that this indebtedness should be maintained at around 25%."

"The PLD administrations go into debt in order to pay more and more debts, which is unsustainable under any scheme of the economic administration, and don't let us hear the repetition of the PLD formula of more indebtedness and more taxes to pay it, the vicious circle that doesn't work to overcome poverty and backwardness and much less to promote complete development," he said.

Vargas spoke before followers that cheered him in front of the town park, at the end of a trip around the city, where he said that he was "received in the warm and enthusiastic arms of a people such as that of Ocoa, which today has ratified in its plazas, in its streets, in its alleys, its condition as the birthplace and strength of the PRD."