Voting rolls of the JCE surpass 7 million persons

A larger growth is predicted, as the cédula process goes forward

SD. The number of persons with the right to vote has increased in the country, and now there are more than 7 million persons eligible to vote, according to the numbers from the Central Electoral Board (JCE).

Statistics from last Tuesday, 13 January, indicated that in comparison with the voting rolls used in the last elections of 2012, which contained 6,502,968 persons, the number of eligible voters increased by 562,849 which gives a total of 7,065,817.

Of these, 495,755 belong to newly registered persons; 804 who were reinstated; 13,407 belong to persons that had the blue cédula; 51,428 are minors who reached voting age; 13,016 are military personnel who were discharged; 1379 are foreigners who were nationalized and 86,956 are minors that will be of voting age for a subtotal of 662,738.

After being submitted to a process of purging, some 87,846 adults were excluded for different reasons, 12,041 persons who went from being civilians to military, and to the change the nationality, which makes a general total of 562,849 voters.

According to the projections by the JCE authorities, the number of persons with the right to vote will continue to increase as the process of new cédulas runs its course.

Roberto Rosario, the President of the JCE, has indicated that regarding this, the cédula process will serve to update and filter the voting rolls."These voting rolls are updated every day."

The information

In the voting rolls only Dominicans eligible to vote are shown, given the fact that military and foreigners do not appear on the list, because they do not have the right to vote, according to what is established in the Constitution of the Republic.

According to article 20 of Law 55 of the Electoral Register, the personnel on active service in the Armed Forces and the Police, persons that have received an irrevocable conviction for a crime, until their reinstatement; those that have been subjected to judicial interdiction legally pronounced, as long as this is in effect and those that have been admitted into the Dominican territory to function or work for a foreign government without previous authorization of the Executive power cannot be registered on the voting rolls.