"We have to bury hate and resentment; open ourselves to pardon and reconciliation"

SANTO DOMINGO. Miguel Vargas achieved a large part of what he wanted in 2014 which was to reestablish himself as the President of the Dominican Revolutionary Party (PRD) and to be their presidential candidate.

Interviewed by Diario Libre, he assured the reporters that in 2015 he is facing great challenges, such as the re-launching of his campaign strategy and putting together the legislative and municipal ballots of his party.

Q. What should your party change or improve in 2015 in order to win the 2016 elections?

A. We have to keep working. Success is obtained on the basis of work and discipline. The PRD rank and file and Dominicans in a general sense should learn that the secret of success is work and discipline, because many times a person can have talent and ability, but disciplining capacity to work are indispensable to achieved the desired goals.

Dominican men and women should know that in the PRD we have prepared ourselves to govern and there is a new generation of men and women who are prepared to make a change of course for the Dominican Republic. That the people can trust a PRD for the new times. A PRD that has disciplined, renovated and strengthened itself in order to be able to open its doors to young people, to women and to all the Dominican men and women who want to make contributions for the development of our country and a better distribution of wealth and social justice for everyone.

We also have a great challenge in front of us in the readjustment of our organizational election strategy on the basis of reorganizing our party structures with the electoral districts of the Central Electoral Board and the part of the early identification and preparation of our election delegates at the different voting stations.

Q. What perspectives do you have for 2015 and what challenges await you and your party?

A. A lot of work is ahead. As our principal challenge we have the continuation of the institutional strengthening of our party. We now have our house in order. A new Board of Directors has already been sworn in at the national level, the presidential candidate is defined. We have turned the page on the contradictions and the differences.

Today the conflicts are outside of the PRD. Now it is up to us to provide continuity to the electoral growth of our party, on the basis of continuing expanding our policy of alliances with other political forces and movements so that they join us and form part of the Block of Hope which our PRD will head, and carrying our message of proposals on how to face the principal problems which affect Dominican society.

A great challenge for the PRD in 2015 is to begin the work of presentation and selection of our men and women candidates for the 2016 elections. This is because we should be aware of the fact that the coming election process will be very complex since they will be electing more than 4500 positions in all the provinces of the country on a single day of voting.

Q. What is your personal goal for this year?

A. At this stage of my life, I have embraced politics as my principal personal activity and this is a great commitment. My goals and aspirations at the personal level are intimately tied to our political commitments and aspirations. So, our personal goal is that this new year 2015 is to follow strengthening and consolidating our party and to do everything that is necessary to take the PRD to power, in order that from there, contribute to produce the great changes which are demanded and needed by our country and especially, by the most needy.

Q. How do you feel the economy will be next year for the country?

A. We will have to face greater difficulties because of the increase of the debt, the reduction in collections, and the expiration of the Madrid Accords, the issue of payment to the electricity generators and the electricity subsidy, as well as the lack of a real fiscal pact which is established in the National Development Strategy (END) and that important national sectors have called for but which the government has not fulfilled.

Equally there is the issue of the beginning of the application of some taxes from the Fiscal Reform of 2012, it will be a very delicate year in administrative terms for the country and where we will need important definitions in order to face our economic challenges.