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Danilo will enter office with a plan to reduce expenses

Fernandez Mirabal trusts that Danilo Medina will make revisions

SANTO DOMINGO. Ignacio Mendez, a member of the Technical Team that works with the transition of the new administration headed by Danilo Medina, said yesterday that he is contemplating a reduction in public spending.

"They are reviewing the priorities of expenditures and the volume of expenses that are considered not necessary and not priorities and they will have to put aside for some other time," he said yesterday.

In the edition of the day before yesterday, the Diario Libre published the recommendations made by economists and businessmen which indicated that the first measure that the new PLD administration should take was to cut back on expenditures, just as the Spanish government has done with their tax reform.

They said that their worries were over the projections that the fiscal deficit in the Dominican Republic could go over RD$100 billion by year end.

The recommended that the country "look at itself in Spain's mirror," and like what the president of that country, Mariano Rajoy, did to find a way out of the economic crisis, suspend the Christmas bonus to officials with salaries over RD$50,000 as well as eliminated parasitic positions such as vice-ministers, advisors and assistants.

"The reality of Spain is very particular and our reality is very different. What I can say is that Danilo has said, he said it during the campaign several times, that he is going to stick to what the law says on the issue of appointments to public posts. Obviously, he is the President, and he is who makes the appointments. If you read between the lines, if he is going to stick to the law, and the law says how many ministers and deputy ministers there are, there you have your answers," said Mendez.

Jaime David

For his part, Jaime David Fernandez Mirabal, the political coordinator for Danilo Medina in the East region, said that when there are constant international threats, the country should undergo a reduction of its expenditures.

The former official said that the new PLD administration will apply the methodology of "research-action." Fernandez Mirabal said he trusted that the new president would make the economic revisions that were necessary.